Prom 2022 Update: Message to parents/guardians of Grade 12 students

There will be one more day for students to purchase their prom tickets in person at the school, Tuesday, June 14 at lunchtime.

Please go to www.dhscommunityprom.ca for all information and to download the forms. Copies of the forms will be available at the school as well.

Deadlines for prom tickets purchase is June 15th. Even if you do not know who you are going with, tickets need to be purchased by the 15th. You can let us know that information once figured out. If you foresee any barriers with purchasing the prom ticket, please email Ms. Abieyuwa, with Schools Plus,  Abieyuwa.olowu@hrce.ca or ask your grad to go see her at the school.

Deadline for the Participation Agreement signed by grads/guest and parent/guardian is due June 22nd. If this is not passed in, people will not be able to attend the prom.
Any other questions please email dhscommunityprom@gmail.com.

The DHS Community Prom Committee