Important Grad Update - Please Read

Attention DHS Grads/Parents/Guardians:


(1) Grad fees are still being accepted in main office, please see Ms. Scott. Fees are $50 and cover the cost of the Sportsplex rental, audio equipment, photographer, printed materials, etc.


(2) The Grad List will be posted on Tuesday, June 27th at noon (12:00 PM).


(3) Grad Rehearsal will take place on June 28th in the DHS gym at 1:00 PM.  Following rehearsal, students will proceed to Keating Hall to pickup caps and gowns. Each student will receive 2 tickets.  Please note that the tickets are intended to be a keepsake. You do not require additional tickets for family members to attend the graduation ceremony, all are welcome and there is plenty of seating.


(4)  Graduation Ceremony will take place at Zatzman Sportsplex. All grads are asked to please be at the sportsplex for 8:15 AM and teachers will assist with organization and assembling lineups.  Ceremony will start at 9:00 AM.


(5) Yearbooks have arrived and distribution will start on June 21st in the main office.